• Inventory System - Dashboard Page
    Inventory SystemDeveloped a comprehensive inventory system using Java, Java Swing, and MySQL. Led the project team, designed the graphical user interface, and implemented front-end functionalities.
  • Appointment System - Login Page
    Appointment SystemExecuted full-stack development for an appointment system using Java, Java Swing, and MySQL. Ensured seamless communication between the front-end and back-end components.
  • StackSched - Scheduling Page
    StackSched - Scheduling Page
    StackTrek Scheduling SystemSpearheaded the development of a scheduling system using Next.js, Prisma, and Supabase. Designed an intuitive user interface and collaborated with the team to ensure efficient project delivery.
  • ANS LMS - Login Page
    ANS LMS - Login Page
    ANS Library Management SystemLed the project management and front-end development of a library management system. Utilized HTML, Tailwind CSS, PHP, and MySQL for an optimized and user-friendly experience.